Sun, Jun 23
|Manitoulin Eco Park and DarkSky
How to Dress A Wild Salad — Taste and Try How Chinese 5 Flavour Theory Can Create Delicious and Complementary Dressings
The five flavours we distinguish are sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and pungent (the Japanese term is umami). Traditional Chinese Medicine suggests that the very tastiest foods are also the most nourishing, and that these are the foods which effectively incorporate and blend all five flavours.
Important Notes
Orientation to the DarkSky Preserve, Campground & Observation Field
The DarkSky Preserve has a no white light policy after sunset: no campfires; please have red filters for your flashlights, headlamps, and camping lamps; plan to arrive by sunset to drive a car in. The gate will be closed to cars after sunset.
The DarkSky Preserve or DSP includes an observation field plus campsites, the Stargazing Cabin, and Milky Way Bunkie for overnight guests. As a courtesy please keep voices low and cell phones on silent after sunset
No white light is allowed in the DSP including no campfires, cell phone screens, or vehicle headlights.
While we encourage event participants to walk without artificial light as much as possible, as a safety measure please be sure to bring your own flashlights and/or headlamps with AMBER or RED filters sufficient to colour and significantly dim the light shining through (you can attach cloth or cellophane paper with tape).
Astronomy guides will be at the front and back of the group with amber or red light sources.
On standard settings, cell phones should not be used as flashlights, or for taking pictures due to the white light of their screens and flashes. Alternatively, you can download an AMBER OR RED LIGHT app for your smartphone.
No laser pointers of any kind or strength (other than in use by our astronomy staff).
The DSP gate is closed to vehicles after sunset.
During all astronomy events, for safety all guests should stay with their guide and the group at all times. If you need to leave the event early for any reason, please be sure to notify one of the astronomy guides before you go.
All Event tickets are non-refundable. However, should DarkSky Preserve need to cancel an event, you will receive the option of either an opportunity to come to one of our future events, or a credit voucher in the amount of your purchase to be used at the Park during the same season, both pending availability.
All event tickets are non-refundable.
Events are held in all sky and weather conditions except those the Eco Park determines to be hazardous (eg. lightning, high winds).
Event tickets can be transferred to another date this season (pending availability) only if the Eco Park cancels the event. We will notify you by email in the event of a cancellation in advance.
To request change of date or for cancelations, visit: